The Vision 2010 for the Health Sector conceptualized by the Government of Orissa in February 2001 has been taken forward to the formulation of a health policy, strategies and proposed activities in key areas. This was accomplished through an elaborate consultative process, backed up by documented experience and studies. The health sector strategy presents the plans, priorities and broad steps for action by the Government of Orissa to all concerned partners. Translating these strategies into medium term action plans with clearly defined interim targets, and developing cost budgets for the first year action plan will form the next step. This will be done in the next few months. An institutional arrangement to take the action forward, integrating the existing and new functions of the Health and Family Welfare Department will be put in place. A taskforce will be constituted to lead the business, and the think tank, the Policy and Strategic Planning Unit, will be reorganized and regrouped to support the process.

The Government of Orissa recognizes that investing in health results in invaluable gains in human development. It has as its goal the improvement of health of its people and equitable access to good quality health care.

Many determinants of health such as nutrition, water supply and sanitation are not directly within the realm of health care services. However, other services with health effects are addressed to a certain extent through an inter-sectoral approach, highlighting the specific role of the department of health with the State taking the role of collective mediator. The strategy uses the primary health care approach and public health principles for priority health problems. It gives prime importance to health systems management issues building on its own recent experience in reforms. Human resource development and management with good governance and accountability are recognized as critical areas. Greater effort will be put into health care financing, financial management and accounting systems. Building partnerships will be a thrust area with greater scope and capacity building for community involvement and closer linkages with NGOs, civil society, the private sector and donors to meet shared social goals. Special attention will be paid to the poor and vulnerable sections of society.

Despite financial constraints, the Government of Orissa will continue its effort to systematically enhance its investment in health. It is also actively seeking alternative and additional sources of support to strengthening its health system. The State is confident that these efforts will make a positive contribution to the lives of its citizens.